Fund Information

                                                              Our ESG Approach

                                                              Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") is the guiding and operating principle at BCT, which we believe will lead us to a better and more sustainable future. We strive to foster a sustainable culture by applying ESG standards and practices within and outside of our workplace, and also actively encourage our fund managers and business partners to adopt and follow, for the sake of human and the planet at large.



                                                              Environment quality is critical for our business, community and people to thrive and grow. Given increasing environmental challenges nowadays, we give a high priority to mitigate impacts of climate change and support the transition to a low-carbon economy. Not only do we collaborate with industry players for climate action, we are proud of how we work closely with our suppliers to reduce emissions, carbon footprint, environmental hazards , paper and electronic waste through digitalisation, whilst advocating the 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) principles and empowering our employees to innovate and adopt more green solutions.



                                                              It is our duty that we speak for ourselves and make a positive impact in the community we operate in. Throughout our history, we actively partner and engage with local charitable organisations to support local causes through volunteering, sharing skills and raising funds, so as to enhance the development of local communities. We also encourage our employees to contribute to the society and promote employee volunteerism and philanthropic donations to co-create a caring culture.

                                                              In terms of pension protection, we have an important role to play in improving financial literacy and safeguarding the MPF system in Hong Kong. In particular, we have a long tradition of serving small-and-medium enterprises and other underserved individuals.


                                                              The CSR Committee


                                                              Since 2003, BCT has been recognised as a "Caring Company", which is awarded to companies that integrate care for the community, employees and the environment into their business practices. As citizens of our community, we understand that BCT is more than just a business, but an organisation that can ignite positive changes in the lives of our employees, our clients, our city, and the environment.

                                                              csr introduction bct caring buddy logo

                                                              BCT formed a volunteer team comprising colleagues from various departments, who is tasked to discover, initiate new volunteer programmes and strengthen our culture of giving back to the community. The team also serves as a way for our colleagues to communicate ideas on how to enhance and enrich our CSR initiatives. We partner with different NGOs to serve those in need.

                                                              In 2006, the committee was divided into various sub-groups focusing on the needs of different areas: youth development, enriching the lives of the elderly, creating an employee-friendly workplace, environmental protection and giving.


                                                              2019 marked the 20th anniversary of BCT. Under the theme of "Embracing a Sustainable Future", we collaborated with an NGO to present a green campaign named "WGO x BCT Paper Saving Pioneers", which was our first large-scale green campaign to promote sustainability. Please click here to learn more.


                                                              BCT Next Academy


                                                              BCT Next Academy Logo 200px

                                                              With our strong commitment to CSR and investor education, BCT is dedicated to helping Hong Kong people build a better retirement life. We established "BCT Third Age Academy" in 2009 to promote lifelong learning to people retiring from their roles at work or household duties.

                                                              In 2018, we renamed the academy to "BCT Next Academy", expanding the servicing group to working population in Hong Kong. We encourage people to step out of the box, make self-enhancement through learning and get prepared for retirement.

                                                              BCT Next Academy Leaflet



                                                              Risk Management


                                                              An effective risk management framework is essential to our success and is an integral part of BCT's culture. While it is necessary to accept a level of risk in achieving business goals, sound risk management measures allow us to make the most of each business opportunity, and enable us to be resilient and responsive to the changing business environment. We are committed to continuously improving our risk management framework by (1) promoting a culture where risk management is recognised as a core part of daily operation; (2) enhancing systematic identification of risks for this to be an integral part of business planning and resource allocation process; (3) establishing systematic reporting of risks and efficient communication; and (4) coordinating improvement initiatives.


                                                              Corporate Governance


                                                              BCT is committed to full compliance with relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and codes on all aspects of our business. It is our objective to prevent breaches of statutory and regulatory obligations as an approved trustee and a principal intermediary. We cultivate a positive compliance culture to ensure that colleagues understand their role in meeting these statutory and regulatory obligations. It is this culture that we reinforce ethical business standards in conducting all business activities with honesty, integrity and fairness.

                                                              In 2018, BCT was one of the MPF trustees which endorsed the Governance Charter for MPF Trustees ("the Charter") launched by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority. Voluntary in nature, the Charter was developed in recognition of the importance of good governance. The contents of the Charter are consistent with the manners in which we have been operating our MPF schemes and accordingly, we have been upholding and will continue to uphold the following 6 core values as advocated by the Charter:

                                                              • Value-for-money MPF schemes and services;
                                                              • Act in the best interests of members;
                                                              • Lift governance standards; Understand and respond to members' needs;
                                                              • Understand and respond to members' needs;
                                                              • Engage members through transparency and communication; and
                                                              • Serve with honesty and integrity.



                                                              Fund Comparison

                                                              To provide for the maximum flexibility, users are allowed to make fund comparison across different fund categories. Users, however, should reconsider the appropriateness for such comparison when the selected funds are of different categories and different risk and return profiles. All data, information and results are intended for your personal use only and shall not be shared with or provided to any other person. The comparison is for reference only.
                                                              Please select a scheme

                                                              Funds to compare (maximum 3 funds)

                                                              Fund Categories
                                                              • BCT (Industry) Hong Kong Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) China and Hong Kong Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO China and HK Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT (Industry) Asian Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT (Industry) Global Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) Asian Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO Asian Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT (Industry) E70 Mixed Asset Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) European Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO European Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT (Industry) E50 Mixed Asset Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) Global Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO North American Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT (Industry) E30 Mixed Asset Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO Hong Kong Equity Index Fund
                                                              • BCT (Industry) Flexi Mixed Asset Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO Growth Fund
                                                              • BCT (Industry) Core Accumulation Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) U.S. Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO E90 Market Tracking Mixed Asset Fund
                                                              • BCT (Industry) Age 65 Plus Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) Greater China Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO Balanced Fund
                                                              • BCT (Industry) RMB Bond Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) World Equity Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO E70 Market Tracking Mixed Asset Fund
                                                              • BCT (Industry) Global Bond Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2050 Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO Stable Growth Fund
                                                              • BCT (Industry) MPF Conservative Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2045 Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO E50 Market Tracking Mixed Asset Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2040 Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO Capital Stable Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2035 Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO E30 Market Tracking Mixed Asset Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2030 Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO Asian Income Retirement Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2025 Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO Global Bond Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2020 Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO HK Dollar Cash Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) E90 Mixed Asset Fund
                                                              • BCT ORSO Guaranteed Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) E70 Mixed Asset Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) E50 Mixed Asset Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) E30 Mixed Asset Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) Flexi Mixed Asset Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) Core Accumulation Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) Age 65 Plus Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) Asian Income Retirement Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) RMB Bond Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) Global Bond Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) Hong Kong Dollar Bond Fund
                                                              • BCT (Pro) MPF Conservative Fund
                                                              Funds not found. Please choose from another schemes or categories.
                                                              Selected Fund(s)
                                                              Risk & Return Level *
                                                              Launch Date
                                                              Unit NAV
                                                              Fund Size
                                                              Fund Descriptor
                                                              Fund Expense Ratio
                                                              Investment Manager / Guarantor#
                                                              Risk Indicator
                                                              Annualised Standard Deviation
                                                              Risk Class ^^
                                                              Use wider screen to check the
                                                              fund tracking

                                                              Fund Performance

                                                              Return % as at 28 Jun 2024 28 Jun 2024 28 Jun 2024

                                                              Performance figures will be available after a 6-month track record has been attained.

                                                              Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Members should refer to the MPF scheme brochure of the BCT (MPF) Pro Choice for further details, including the risk factors and detailed investment policies of the constituent funds.

                                                              Performance figures will be available after a 6-month track record has been attained.

                                                              Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Members should refer to the MPF scheme brochure of the BCT (MPF) Industry Choice for further details, including the risk factors and detailed investment policies of the constituent funds.

                                                              Performance figures will be available in six months after launch. The fund price(s) set out above (if any) may be initial fund price(s).

                                                              Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of funds may fall as well as rise. Investors should refer to the Explanatory Memorandum of the BCT Premier Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan for further details, including the risk factors.

                                                              • You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. When, in your selection of funds, you are in doubt as to whether a certain fund is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek financial and / or professional advice and choose the fund(s) most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.
                                                              • Your investment decision should not be based on the information shown on this website alone. Please read the principal brochure of BCT (MPF) Pro Choice for further details, including the risk factors.
                                                              • BCT (Pro) MPF Conservative Fund does not guarantee the repayment of capital.

                                                              • You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. When, in your selection of funds, you are in doubt as to whether a certain fund is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek financial and / or professional advice and choose the fund(s) most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.
                                                              • Your investment decision should not be based on the information shown on this website alone. Please read the principal brochure of BCT (MPF) Industry Choice for further details, including the risk factors.
                                                              • BCT (Industry) MPF Conservative Fund does not guarantee the repayment of capital.

                                                              • You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. When, in your selection of funds, you are in doubt as to whether a certain fund is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek financial and / or professional advice and choose the fund(s) most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.
                                                              • Your investment decision should not be based on the information shown on this website alone. Please read the Explanatory Memorandum for further details, including the risk factors.
                                                              • BCT ORSO Guaranteed Fund under the Plan invests directly into the China Life - Deposit Administration Guarantee Fund Policy issued by China Life. China Life is the guarantor of the policy. Your investments in BCT ORSO Guaranteed Fund, if any, are therefore subject to the credit risks of China Life. Please refer to part IV of the Explanatory Memorandum for details of the guarantee features and guarantee conditions.

                                                              "Bid & offer spreads" are not applicable to MPF Conservative Fund and are currently waived for all other constituent funds under the relevant MPF scheme.

                                                              Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited and Hang Seng Data Services Limited are both independent from the Trustee (namely, Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited) and the Investment Manager of the Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund (“Licenced Product”). The mark and the name of Hang Seng Index are proprietary to Hang Seng Data Services Limited and Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited publishes and compiles Hang Seng Index pursuant to a licence from Hang Seng Data Services Limited. Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited and Hang Seng Data Services Limited have agreed to the use of, and the reference to mark and name of, the Hang Seng Index by the Trustee in connection with the Licenced Product, but neither Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited nor Hang Seng Data Services Limited warrants or represents or guarantees to any investors in or any other person dealing with the Licenced Product (“Relevant Persons”) (i) the accuracy or completeness of the index and its computation or any information related thereto; or (ii) the fitness or suitability for any purpose of the index or component or data comprised in it or (iii) the results which may be obtained by person from the use of the index or any component or data comprised in it for any purposes, and no warranty or representation or guarantee of any kind whatsoever relating to the index is given or may be implied. To the extent permitted by applicable law, no responsibility or liability is accepted by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited or Hang Seng Data Services Limited (i) in respect of the use of and / or reference to the index by the Trustee in connection with the Licenced Product; or (ii) for any inaccuracies, omissions, mistakes or errors of Hang Seng Index Company Limited in the computation of the index or (iii) for any inaccuracies, omissions, mistakes, errors or incompleteness of any information used in connection with the computation of the index which is supplied by any other person; or (iv) for any economic or other loss which may be directly or indirectly sustained by Relevant Persons as a result of any of the aforesaid, and no claims, actions or legal proceedings may be brought against Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited and / or Hang Seng Data Services Limited in connection with the Licenced Product in any manner whatsoever by any Relevant Persons investing in the Licenced Product. Any Relevant Persons do so therefore in full knowledge of this disclaimer and can place no reliance whatsoever on Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited and Hang Seng Data Services Limited. For the avoidance of doubt, this disclaimer does not create any contractual or quasi-contractual relationship between any Relevant Person and Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited and / or Hang Seng Data Services Limited and must not be construed to have created such relationship.

                                                              This constituent fund is denoted as "Equity Funds - Market Tracking Series" under BCT (MPF) Pro Choice as it solely invests in approved Index Tracking Collective Investment Scheme ("ITCIS"). BCT (Pro) Greater China Equity Fund is portfolio management constituent fund investing in ITCISs and this constituent fund itself is not index-tracking fund.

                                                              These constituent funds are denoted as "Target Date Mixed Asset Funds" under BCT (MPF) Pro Choice and they are designed to shift their investments from equities towards a greater exposure to bonds and cash as the relevant fund approaches to its particular target year.
                                                              This constituent fund is denoted as "Target Date Mixed Asset Funds" under BCT (MPF) Pro Choice and it is designed to shift its investments from equities towards a greater exposure to bonds and cash as the relevant fund approaches to its particular target year.

                                                              "Absolute Return" is the name of the fund only and refers to the investment objective – to achieve an absolute return performance target not related to an index. Such a description is a performance target only and absolute positive returns are not guaranteed.

                                                              Administrative expenses can only be deducted from BCT (Pro) MPF Conservative Fund by the trustee when the returns of the fund for the month exceed the "Prescribed Savings Rate" prescribed by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority. BCT (Pro) MPF Conservative Fund does not guarantee the repayment of capital. An investment in the MPF Conservative Fund is not the same as placing funds on deposit with a bank or deposit taking company and there is no guarantee that the investment can be redeemed at the subscription value. The MPF Conservative Fund is not subject to the supervision of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Fees and charges of MPF Conservative Fund can be deducted from either (i) the assets of the fund or (ii) members' account by way of unit deduction. This fund uses method (i) and, therefore, unit prices / NAV / fund performance quoted have incorporated the impact of fees and charges.

                                                              Administrative expenses can only be deducted from BCT (Industry) MPF Conservative Fund by the trustee when the returns of the constituent fund for the month exceed the "Prescribed Savings Rate" prescribed by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority. BCT (Industry) MPF Conservative Fund does not guarantee the repayment of capital. An investment in the MPF Conservative Fund is not the same as placing funds on deposit with a bank or deposit taking company and there is no guarantee that the investment can be redeemed at the subscription value. The MPF Conservative Fund is not subject to the supervision of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Fees and charges of MPF Conservative Fund can be deducted from either (i) the assets of the fund or (ii) members' account by way of unit deduction. This constituent fund uses method (i) and, therefore, unit prices / NAV / fund performance quoted have incorporated the impact of fees and charges.

                                                              Calculated from the launch date to the end of the calendar year.

                                                              Performance figures will be available after a 6-month track record has been attained. Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Members should refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure for the BCT (MPF) Pro Choice for further details, including the risk factors and detailed investment policies of the constituent funds.

                                                              Performance figures will be available after a 6-month track record has been attained. Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Members should refer to the MPF scheme brochure of the BCT (MPF) Industry Choice for further details, including the risk factors and detailed investment policies of the constituent funds.

                                                              Performance figures will be available in six months after launch. The fund price(s) set out above (if any) may be initial fund price(s). Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of funds may fall as well as rise. Investors should refer to the Explanatory Memorandum of the BCT Premier Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan for further details, including the risk factors.

                                                              All performance figures above are calculated on the basis of NAV-to-NAV in HK$ and are net of the management fees and operating expenses except Asian Income Retirement Fund (where applicable). For Asian Income Retirement Fund, its performance figures are calculated on the basis of NAV-to-NAV in HK$ without dividend reinvested and are net of management fees and operating expenses.

                                                              Performance figures will be available in six months after launch (for new fund(s) only).

                                                              Bid & offer spreads are currently waived.

                                                              ^ Daily Change refers to the percentage change of unit price of the constituent fund as at the valuation date shown against the previous valuation date.
                                                              Ø Percentage Change is calculated on the basis of NAV-to-NAV in HK$ and is net of the management fees and operating expenses during the selected period except Asian Income Retirement Fund (where applicable). For Asian Income Retirement Fund, its percentage change is calculated on the basis of NAV-to-NAV in HK$ without dividend reinvested and is net of management fees and operating expenses during the selected period.
                                                              + Constituent Fund with performance history of less than 3 years since inception to the reporting date of the fund fact sheet is not required to show the annualised standard deviation.
                                                              ~ It is not necessary to show the Fund Expense Ratio as the period between the reporting date of the fund fact sheet and the inception date for the constituent fund is less than 2 years.
                                                              ^^ The risk class is assigned to the constituent fund according to the seven-point risk classification stated in the table below, which is derived based on the latest fund risk indicator - annualised standard deviation of the constituent fund.
                                                              Risk Class Fund Risk Indicator - Annualised Standard Deviation
                                                              Equal or above Less than
                                                               1  0.0%  0.5%
                                                               2  0.5%  2.0%
                                                               3  2.0%  5.0%
                                                               4  5.0%  10.0%
                                                               5  10.0%  15.0%
                                                               6  15.0%  25.0%
                                                               7  25.0%  
                                                              (i) the risk class is prescribed by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority according to the Code on Disclosure for MPF Investment Funds; and (ii) the risk class has not been reviewed or endorsed by the Securities and Futures Commission.

                                                              This constituent fund is denoted as "Equity Funds - Market Tracking Series" under BCT (MPF) Pro Choice as it solely invests in approved Index Tracking Collective Investment Scheme ("ITCIS"). BCT (Pro) Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund invests solely in a single ITCIS, and thereby aims to achieve investment results that closely track the performance of the Hang Seng Index.

                                                              This constituent fund is denoted as "Equity Funds - Market Tracking Series" under BCT (MPF) Pro Choice as it solely invests in approved Index Tracking Collective Investment Scheme ("ITCIS"). BCT (Pro) World Equity Fund is portfolio management constituent fund investing in ITCISs and this constituent fund itself is not index-tracking fund.

                                                              Due to the restructuring of BCT (MPF) Pro Choice with effect from 23 April 2018, the structure and investment policies of this constituent fund have been changed since the said date. Please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure for BCT (MPF) Pro Choice for further details of the changed structure and investment policies.

                                                              For BCT (Pro) China and Hong Kong Equity Fund, BCT (Pro) Asian Equity Fund, BCT (Pro) European Equity Fund, BCT (Pro) Global Equity Fund, BCT (Pro) E90 Mixed Asset Fund, BCT (Pro) E70 Mixed Asset Fund, BCT (Pro) E50 Mixed Asset Fund, BCT (Pro) E30 Mixed Asset Fund, and BCT (Pro) Global Bond Fund, the fund prices are as of 20 April 2018.

                                                              It was terminated on 11 May 2021. Click here for details.

                                                              Cumulative return as of 10 May 2021: Since Inception: 31.59%; YTD: 8.44%; 3-Month: 6.67%; 1-Month: 1.85%

                                                              Cumulative return as of 10 May 2021: Since Inception: 34.39%; YTD: 11.24%; 3-Month: 6.13%; 1-Month: 1.26%

                                                              This constituent fund is denoted as "Equity Funds - Market Tracking Series" under BCT (MPF) Pro Choice as it solely invests in approved Index Tracking Collective Investment Scheme ("ITCIS"). BCT (Pro) U.S. Equity Fund is portfolio management constituent fund investing in ITCISs and this constituent fund itself is not index-tracking fund.

                                                              A fixed investment management fee of up to HK$75,000 per month is charged and paid out of the assets of the BCT (Pro) Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund. The fee is payable on a monthly basis and accrues daily pro-rata to the number of days in a month. The fee is payable to Invesco as the investment manager of the BCT (Pro) Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund for its investment management services including, but not limited to, investing all member and employer contributions to the BCT (Pro) Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund according to the applicable investment guidelines, and the acquisition and disposal of units in the underlying ITCIS.

                                                              Cessation of investment manager regarding BCT (Industry) Global Equity Fund and BCT (Industry) Global Equity Fund took place on 16 May 2023. Therefore, performance figures for the period prior to that date represent the past performance of the preceding investment manager of these two constituent funds.

                                                              * Risk & Return Level
                                                              5 High The constituent fund aims at achieving a high long-term return among constituent funds available under BCT (MPF) Pro Choice; its volatility is expected to be high.
                                                              4 Medium to High The constituent fund aims at achieving a medium to high long-term return among constituent funds available under BCT (MPF) Pro Choice; its volatility is expected to be medium to high.
                                                              3 Medium The constituent fund aims at achieving a medium long-term return among constituent funds available under BCT (MPF) Pro Choice; its volatility is expected to be medium.
                                                              2 Low to Medium The constituent fund has a low to medium expected long-term return among constituent funds available under BCT (MPF) Pro Choice; its volatility is expected to be low to medium.
                                                              1 Low The constituent fund has a low expected long-term return among constituent funds available under BCT (MPF) Pro Choice; its volatility is expected to be low.
                                                              The Risk & Return Level for each constituent fund is assigned by BCT and subject to review at least annually. It is based on the corresponding constituent fund’s volatility and expected return and is provided for reference only.

                                                              * Risk & Return Level
                                                              5 High The constituent fund aims at achieving a high long-term return among constituent funds available under BCT (MPF) Industry Choice; its volatility is expected to be high.
                                                              4 Medium to High The constituent fund aims at achieving a medium to high long-term return among constituent funds available under BCT (MPF) Industry Choice; its volatility is expected to be medium to high.
                                                              3 Medium The constituent fund aims at achieving a medium long-term return among constituent funds available under BCT (MPF) Industry Choice; its volatility is expected to be medium.
                                                              2 Low to Medium The constituent fund has a low to medium expected long-term return among constituent funds available under BCT (MPF) Industry Choice; its volatility is expected to be low to medium.
                                                              1 Low The constituent fund has a low expected long-term return among constituent funds available under BCT (MPF) Industry Choice; its volatility is expected to be low.
                                                              The Risk & Return Level for each constituent fund is assigned by BCT and subject to review at least annually. It is based on the corresponding constituent fund’s volatility and expected return and is provided for reference only.

                                                              * Risk & Return Level
                                                              5 High The portfolio aims at achieving a high long-term return among portfolios available under BCT Premier Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan; its volatility is expected to be high.
                                                              4 Medium to High The portfolio aims at achieving a medium to high long-term return among portfolios available under BCT Premier Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan; its volatility is expected to be medium to high.
                                                              3 Medium The portfolio aims at achieving a medium long-term return among portfolios available under BCT Premier Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan; its volatility is expected to be medium.
                                                              2 Low to Medium The portfolio has a low to medium expected long-term return among portfolios available under BCT Premier Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan; its volatility is expected to be low to medium.
                                                              1 Low The portfolio has a low expected long-term return among portfolios available under BCT Premier Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan; its volatility is expected to be low.
                                                              The Risk & Return Level for each portfolio is assigned by BCT and subject to review at least annually. It is based on the corresponding portfolio’s volatility and expected return and is provided for reference only.

                                                              ^ Daily Change refers to the percentage change of unit price of the portfolio as at the valuation date shown against the previous valuation date.
                                                              Ø Percentage Change is calculated on the basis of NAV-to-NAV in HK$ with dividend reinvested and is net of the management fees and operating expenses during the selected period.
                                                              + Portfolio with performance history of less than 3 years since inception to the reporting date of the fund fact sheet is not required to show the annualised standard deviation.

                                                              ^ Daily Change refers to the percentage change of unit price of the constituent fund as at the valuation date shown against the previous valuation date.
                                                              Ø Percentage Change is calculated on the basis of NAV-to-NAV in HK$ with dividend reinvested and is net of the management fees and operating expenses during the selected period.
                                                              + Portfolio with performance history of less than 3 years since inception to the reporting date of the fund fact sheet is not required to show the annualised standard deviation.
                                                                  Remarks for Daily Change, Percentage Change (ORSO) ID: 1437

                                                              this page is use for redirect

                                                              # Investment Manager of the underlying investment fund / Guarantor of the insurance policy

                                                              Daily Change refers to the percentage change of unit price of the constituent fund as at the valuation date shown against the previous valuation date.


                                                              Percentage Change is calculated on the basis of NAV-to-NAV in HK$ and is net of the management fees and operating expenses during the selected period except Asian Income Retirement Fund (where applicable). For Asian Income Retirement Fund, its percentage change is calculated on the basis of NAV-to-NAV in HK$ without dividend reinvested and is net of management fees and operating expenses during the selected period.


                                                              Constituent Fund with performance history of less than 3 years since inception to the reporting date of the fund fact sheet is not required to show the annualised standard deviation.


                                                              It is not necessary to show the Fund Expense Ratio as the period between the reporting date of the fund fact sheet and the inception date for the constituent fund is less than 2 years.


                                                              The risk class is assigned to the constituent fund according to the seven-point risk classification stated in the table below, which is derived based on the latest fund risk indicator - annualised standard deviation of the constituent fund.

                                                              Risk Class Fund Risk Indicator - Annualised Standard Deviation
                                                              Equal or above Less than
                                                               1  0.0%  0.5%
                                                               2  0.5%  2.0%
                                                               3  2.0%  5.0%
                                                               4  5.0%  10.0%
                                                               5  10.0%  15.0%
                                                               6  15.0%  25.0%
                                                               7  25.0%  
                                                              (i) the risk class is prescribed by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority according to the Code on Disclosure for MPF Investment Funds; and (ii) the risk class has not been reviewed or endorsed by the Securities and Futures Commission.
                                                              Source: "BCT" - Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited
                                                              - BCT Financial Limited