What's New

                                                              Contribution for SEP

                                                              Information of Contribution for Self-Employed Person (SEP)

                                                              How much does SEP need to contribute

                                                              The minimum relevant income level for MPF contributions is HK$7,100 per month or HK$85,200 per year. The maximum relevant income level for MPF contributions is HK$30,000 per month or HK$360,000 per year.

                                                              Contribution %
                                                              Relevant Income (HK$)
                                                              Self-employed Person
                                                              Less than 7,100 / month or less than 85,200 / year Nil
                                                              7,100 - 30,000 / month or 85,200 - 360,000 / year 5%
                                                              More than 30,000 / month or 360,000 / year 1,500 / month or 18,000 / year
                                                              What is the relevant income for self-employed persons?
                                                              All earnings derived from the production of goods and services you engaged in. If you run more than one business, the total earnings of all businesses will be included.


                                                              How to declare relevant income

                                                              1. The maximum level of relevant income (i.e. HK$30,000 per month or HK$360,000 per annum) No income proof is needed.
                                                              2. Most recent assessable profits The assessable profits as stated on your most recent Notice of Assessment by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue within the past 24 months.
                                                              3. Preceding year assessable profits Declared relevant income equals to the assessable profits for the preceding year calculated in accordance with the Inland Revenue Ordinance.
                                                              4. Basic allowance Use the basic allowance under the Inland Revenue Ordinance to calculate the relevant income.
                                                              5. Sustained loss If your business suffers losses, please provide a Statement of Loss that covers the full period of your latest financial year as evidence.
                                                              * Please refer to the scheme trustee for detailed requirements.