Fund Information


                                                              MPF ePlatform
                                                              Seamless & Innovative eJourney

                                                              BCT ePlatform enhances employer services and makes your daily administration easier. MACY, smart assistant is here to answer your enquiries anytime, anywhere. Click here to view the eJourney@BCT at a glance.


                                                              Register with BCT Daily Administration Daily Management
                                                              Register with BCT

                                                              Join BCT: Open BCT account

                                                              Obtain BCT account opening details via website, email or MACY, your 24x7 smart assistant
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Icon195x130 Step 1

                                                              Employee Registration: eEnrolment

                                                              Online enroll employees paperlessly
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Icon195x130 Step 3

                                                              Model Portfolio for Employees: BCT iPortfolio

                                                              Help employees make investment choice with reference to model portfolio after completing an online risk assessment
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Icon195x130 Step 4

                                                              Daily Administration ctrip url hk inverse


                                                              Start Contributions for Employees: Contribution Computation Tool

                                                              Effortlessly calculate the first MPF contributions for your employees
                                                              Learn more: Regular employee | Casual employee

                                                              Icon195x130 Step 5


                                                              HR Solution: Flexi2 / ePartner

                                                              Manage MPF contributions, payroll, taxation and leave records via a selected single platform

                                                              Icon195x130 Step 6


                                                              Contribution Form Preparation: C-online / Excel MPF Calculator

                                                              Make contributions via C-online or prepare your completed remittance statements using MPF Calculator and upload directly to Employer Website
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Icon195x130 Step 7


                                                              Make Contributions: DDA / PPS

                                                              Use a variety of digital contribution payment methods
                                                              Learn more

                                                              Icon195x130 Step 8

                                                              Daily Management ctrip url hk inverse


                                                              Check Account Status: All-round Employer Website

                                                              Check contribution receipts, contribution details and employee status at a glance
                                                              Login here

                                                              Icon195x130 Step 9


                                                              What's New: SMS, email

                                                              Subscribe with mobile number or email to receive the latest news and contribution reminder
                                                              Subscribe here

                                                              Icon195x130 Step 10


                                                              Termination of Employee: Online Submission

                                                              Upload employee termination notice to Employer Website or submit via C-online
                                                              Login here

                                                              Icon195x130 Step 11

                                                              Member / Self-employed

                                                              MPF ePlatform
                                                              One-stop eExperience and take control of your future

                                                              BCT ePlatform helps you manage, check and consolidate MPF accounts at your fingertips. Click here to view the eJourney@BCT at a Glance

                                                              Desktop EN 898x180

                                                              Well Planning Easy Operation Self Management
                                                              Well Planning

                                                              Fund Information

                                                              Check fund information and performance and learn the available investment solutions
                                                              Click here for the Fund Information


                                                              Smart Assistant

                                                              MACY, is here to answer you right away 24x7, and solve your enquiries anytime, anywhere
                                                              Click the MACY icon at the bottom right corner to start the conversation


                                                              BCT iPortfolio

                                                              Take a simple questionnaire to understand your risk tolerance level and make an informed investment decision with reference to model portfolio


                                                              Easy Operation ctrip url hk inverse


                                                              MPF eChannel

                                                              Open a Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions account, or consolidate MPF accounts yourself at your own time and space



                                                              BCT MPF APP

                                                              Set up fund price alerts and receive fund performance and the latest information
                                                              Click here to download the APP



                                                              Biometric Factor Login

                                                              Log into ePlatforms faster, safer and more convenient without the need to memorize or store your password


                                                              Self Management ctrip url hk inverse


                                                              Subscribe to eNotice

                                                              Receive “MPF Annual Benefit Statement” and other important notices electronically, Click here and subscribe to eNotice service in 3 simple steps: Login → “My BCT” → “Set up e-service”



                                                              Account Balance SMS

                                                              Get hold of the latest status of your account regularly



                                                              Change of Investment Mandate / Fund Switching

                                                              Any instruction made before 4pm will be settled at the fund price of that day, allowing you to respond to the market changes



                                                              Real-time Account Review

                                                              Review account balance and asset allocation, and let you manage your wealth for the future Click here to login member account


                                                              Fund Performance Return % as at 28 Jun 2024

                                                              Show Fund Filter Close Fund Filter
                                                              Fund Categories
                                                              Risk & Return Level
                                                              Year to Date
                                                              1 month
                                                              1 mth
                                                              3 months
                                                              3 mth
                                                              1 year
                                                              1 yr