Fund Information

                                                              Remark S

                                                              Cessation of investment manager regarding BCT (Industry) Global Equity Fund and BCT (Industry) Global Equity Fund took place on 16 May 2023. Therefore, performance figures for the period prior to that date represent the past performance of the preceding investment manager of these two constituent funds.

                                                              Remark R

                                                              Due to the restructuring of BCT (MPF) Industry Choice with effect from 2 September 2024, the structure and investment policies of this constituent fund have been changed since the said date. Please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure for BCT (MPF) Industry Choice for further details of the changed structure and investment policies.

                                                              Extra Remark B

                                                              All performance figures above are calculated on the basis of NAV-to-NAV in HK$ and are net of the management fees and operating expenses except Asian Income Retirement Fund (where applicable). For Asian Income Retirement Fund, its performance figures are calculated on the basis of NAV-to-NAV in HK$ without dividend reinvested and are net of management fees and operating expenses.

                                                              Remark Q

                                                              A fixed investment management fee of up to HK$75,000 per month is charged and paid out of the assets of the BCT (Pro) Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund. The fee is payable on a monthly basis and accrues daily pro-rata to the number of days in a month. The fee is payable to Invesco as the investment manager of the BCT (Pro) Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund for its investment management services including, but not limited to, investing all member and employer contributions to the BCT (Pro) Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund according to the applicable investment guidelines, and the acquisition and disposal of units in the underlying ITCIS.

                                                              Fund Performance Remark of BCT (MPF) Pro Choice

                                                              Performance figures will be available after a 6-month track record has been attained.

                                                              Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Members should refer to the MPF scheme brochure of the BCT (MPF) Pro Choice for further details, including the risk factors and detailed investment policies of the constituent funds.

                                                              Fund Performance Return % as at 28 Feb 2025

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                                                              Fund Categories
                                                              Risk & Return Level
                                                              Year to Date
                                                              1 month
                                                              1 mth
                                                              3 months
                                                              3 mth
                                                              1 year
                                                              1 yr