About the Abolition of the Arrangement of Using MPF to Offset Long Service Payments and Severance Payments

                                                              The Legislative Council passed the "Employment and Retirement Schemes Legislation (Offsetting Arrangement) (Amendment) Bill 2022" in June 2022 to abolish the arrangement for employers using the accrued benefits of MPF mandatory contribution made for employees to offset severance payments (SP) / long service payments (LSP) under the Employment Ordinance ("offsetting arrangement"), in order to further enhance the MPF's retirement protection function.


                                                              What is meant by the MPF offsetting arrangement?
                                                              Under the Employment Ordinance, employees may be entitled to SP/LSP payable by their employers. Employers can offset the SP/LSP payable to employees under the Employment Ordinance against the MPF derived from the employer’s mandatory and voluntary contributions.


                                                              When will the abolition of the MPF offsetting arrangement be implemented?
                                                              The abolition of the offsetting arrangement will be implemented in tandem with the full implementation of the eMPF Platform of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority. The eMPF Platform is expected to be in full operation by 2025. After the effective day (transition date) for the abolition of the “offsetting arrangement”, employers can no longer use accrued benefits of MPF mandatory contributions made for their employees to offset employees’ SP/LSP for the employment period starting from that day.


                                                              Does the abolition have retrospective effect?
                                                              The abolition has no retrospective effect. Employers may continue to use the accrued benefits derived from their MPF contributions (irrespective of whether the contributions are made before, on or after the transition date, and irrespective of whether the contributions are mandatory or voluntary) to offset an employee’s SP/LSP entitlement in respect of the employment before the transition date.


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                                                              Existing Practice (Before the Eventual Implementation of the Abolition of the MPF Offsetting Arrangement in 2025)

                                                              Currently, employers could use the accrued benefits of their mandatory contributions under the MPF System to offset the expenses for SP and LSP.


                                                              Offsetting SP/LSP against MPF
                                                              Employers and employees should note that the offsetting sequence is:
                                                              1. Vested balance of employer voluntary contributions (if any)
                                                              2. Employer mandatory contributions unless the relevant participation agreement specifies otherwise

                                                              To proceed, following forms have to be submitted to us for handling. We will notify the employer by writing if the balance amount mentioned above cannot fully cover the entitled SP/ LSP for the employer to make the outstanding balance direct to the employee concerned.

                                                              - “Employee Termination Notice”: to be filled in and signed by the employer
                                                              - “Long Service Payment / Severance Payment to Employee Directly (for employee claim)”: to be filled in and signed by both the employer and the employee


                                                              Example illustrating how SP/LSP is offset against MPF and relevant calculation

                                                                Situation 1:If the amount of MPF derived from the employer’s contributions exceeds the amount of SP/LSP, the remaining balance after offsetting has to be retained in the employee’s account and is vested in the employee. Situation 2:If the amount of MPF derived from the employer’s contributions is insufficient to fully offset the amount of SP/LSP, the employer is required to pay the outstanding balance to the employee.
                                                              MPF (from the employer’s contributions) in the employee’s account $100,000 $40,000
                                                              Offset amount against MPF (from the employer’s contributions) $60,000 $60,000
                                                              Under the offsetting arrangement:
                                                              Balance of MPF (from the employer’s contributions) in the employee’s account $40,000 (being $100,000 - $60,000) $0 ($40,000 is fully used to do offsetting against MPF)
                                                              Additional amount paid by the employer to the employee for SP/LSP $0 $20,000 (being $60,000 - $40,000)



                                                              Eligibility and calculation for severance payment and long service payment
                                                              Under the Employment Ordinance, an employee is eligible for severance payment or long service payment subject to the following conditions.

                                                                Severance payment Long service payment
                                                              Qualifying period of employment employed under a continuous contract for not less than 24 months employed under a continuous contract for not less than 5 years


                                                              the employee is dismissed by reason of redundancy * the employee is dismissed but :
                                                              • he is not summarily dismissed due to his serious misconduct
                                                              • his dismissal is not by reason of redundancy
                                                              his fixed term employment contract expires without being renewed due to redundancy * his fixed term employment contract expires without being renewed *
                                                              he is laid off he dies during employment
                                                              has been issued a certificate in a specified form by a registered medical practitioner or a registered Chinese medicine practitioner, certifying that he is permanently unfit for his present job and he resigns
                                                              he is aged 65 or above and resigns on ground of old age


                                                              *If not less than 7 days before the date of dismissal/ expiry of the fixed term contract in case of severance payment, and not less than 7 days before the expiry of the fixed term contract in case of long service payment, the employer has offered in writing to renew the contract of employment or re-engage him under a new contract but the employee has unreasonably refused the offer, the employee is not eligible for the entitlements.

                                                              NOTE: An employee will not be simultaneously entitled to both severance payment and long service payment.

                                                              The following formula applies to the calculation of both severance payment and long service payment:


                                                              (last full month’s wages** X 2/3)# × reckonable years of service
                                                              (any 18 days' wages** chosen by the employee out of his last 30 normal working days)# × reckonable years of service


                                                              **An employee may also elect to use his average wages in the 12 months immediately preceding the termination of employment contract for the calculation. (Where the employee's employment contract is terminated by payment in lieu of notice, the employee may elect to use his average wages in the 12 months immediately preceding the date up to which the payment in lieu of notice is calculated.)

                                                              # The sum should not exceed 2/3 of $22,500 (i.e. $15,000).


                                                              Any maximum limit for severance payment/long service payment?
                                                              If the relevant date of termination of employment occurs on or after 1 October 2003, the maximum amount of severance payment or long service payment is $390,000.

                                                              New Practice When the Abolition of the MPF Offsetting Arrangement is in Force

                                                              The Government will put in place two supporting measures to facilitate the transition. First, to assist employers to adapt to the policy change, the Government will introduce a 25-year refined subsidy scheme totalling $33.2 billion. Another supporting measure is the introduction of a Designated Savings Accounts (DSA) Scheme under which employers will be mandated to save up for meeting their future SP/LSP liabilities after the abolition.


                                                              Employers’ share ratio details under the refined subsidy scheme are proposed.

                                                              For the first $500,000 of the total amount of SP/LSP payable by an employer in a year:

                                                              • There is a share ratio payable by an employer per employee for each year; and
                                                              • For the initial nine years, the maximum amount of SP/LSP (i.e. the “capped amount”) payable by an employer per employee is capped. If the shared amount payable by an employer exceeds the “capped amount”, the employer only needs to pay the “capped amount”. The rest of the amount of SP/LSP will be subsidised by the Government.

                                                              For the total amount of SP/LSP beyond the first $500,000:

                                                              • There is a share ratio payable by an employer per employee for each year from Year 1 to Year 12. No subsidy will be provided from Year 13 onwards.
                                                              Year after the abolition Employer’s share per employee
                                                              (as % of SP/LSP payable)
                                                                First $500,000 of all SP/LSP paid by an employer in a year

                                                              Beyond the first $500,000 of all SP/LSP paid by an employer in a year

                                                              1-3 50%, capped at $3,000 50%
                                                              4 55%, capped at $25,000 55%
                                                              5 60%, capped at $25,000 60%
                                                              6 65%, capped at $25,000 65%
                                                              7 70%, capped at $50,000 70%
                                                              8 75%, capped at $50,000 75%
                                                              9 80%, capped at $50,000 80%
                                                              10 80% 85%
                                                              11 80% 90%
                                                              12 85% 95%
                                                              13 85% 100%
                                                              14-19 90% 100%
                                                              20-25 95% 100%


                                                              What is DSA Scheme?
                                                              It is a compulsory and dedicated saving scheme to assist employers to save up to meet their future SP/LSP obligations after the abolition of the MPF offsetting arrangement. Employers are required to set up DSAs under their own name and contribute an amount equivalent to 1% of their employees’ monthly relevant income. Employers may stop making contributions to their own DSAs when the savings in their DSAs have reached 15% of the annual relevant income of all their employees.

                                                              As to whether an employer can decide on which fund to invest for the 1% contribution under DSA, and the future arrangement when full portability of MPF benefits is in force (employees can transfer all the accrued benefits of MPF mandatory contribution by their employers and themselves to the MPF scheme of their own choice), details are yet to be announced by the Government.

                                                              Can employers be exempted from making DSA contributions for certain employees?
                                                              In order not to discourage employers from making voluntary MPF contributions for their employees, employers making voluntary MPF contributions at 1% or above of the employees’ relevant income in addition to the 5% mandatory MPF contributions would be exempted from making DSA contributions. Besides, employers whose employees are currently not covered by the MPF System, including persons covered by statutory retirement schemes or provident fund schemes (e.g. civil servants or teachers of grant/subsidized schools), members enrolled in occupational retirement schemes with MPF exemption certificate, domestic employees, employees aged under 18 or aged 65 or above, etc. would also be exempted.

                                                              Are there any more details regarding the DSA Scheme?
                                                              The Government will submit another bill in the next legislative session with a view to the implementation of the DSA Scheme which aims to assist employers to save up to meet their SP/LSP obligations. The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority has built the related functionalities on the eMPF Platform to support the DSA Scheme for the Labour Department to set up DSAs for employers to handle work related to the abolition of offsetting arrangement.

                                                              Is the offsetting arrangement applicable to members of an occupational retirement scheme?

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                                                              Since the benefits under the above schemes are not differentiated into mandatory and voluntary portions, a portion of “non-offsettable” benefits* will be carved out from the ORS benefits. Calculation formula is as follows:

                                                              Final average monthly relevant income × Years of service with ORS benefits × 5% × 12

                                                              Remaining benefits after carving out the “non-offsettable” benefits (akin to employers’ voluntary MPF contributions) can offset the pre- and/or post-transition portions of SP/LSP.

                                                              *“Non-offsettable” benefits – akin to employers’ mandatory MPF contributions and can only be used to offset the pre-transition portion of SP/LSP


                                                              As to other FAQs such as the difference in the calculation of SP and LSP after the abolition of the offsetting arrangement and whether all accrued benefits derived from employers’ mandatory MPF contributions can no longer be used to offset an employee’s SP/LSP, please visit Labour Department’s official website for more details.

                                                              How to select your provider 4 major factors to consider

                                                              Fund Choice
                                                              Fund Performance
                                                              Service for Members
                                                              You should consider whether your provider has sufficient constituent fund choices to cater to your needs. How many constituent funds does your existing MPF provider offer?
                                                              Fund Choice

                                                              Fund Choice

                                                              Diversified constituent fund choices are important because different life stages, risk tolerance levels and financial situations require different types of portfolios in order to achieve your retirement goals.

                                                              How can BCT help? Replay

                                                              Our MPF schemes have a wide range of constituent funds^

                                                              A Wide Range of Funds

                                                              Our MPF schemes offer constituent funds managed by different investment managers that are not affiliated with the BCT Group. This enables us to independently appoint investment managers with diverse investment styles and philosophies to be used in our schemes. For further details, please refer to the latest principal brochure. As of today, 8 fund managers have been engaged to help managing your MPF. Overall speaking, the use of multiple fund managers allows us to focus on, among others, the service quality of the fund managers through our selection and monitoring process and provides us with the flexibility to replace fund managers independently.

                                                              ^ BCT offers 2 MPF schemes, namely, BCT MPF (Pro) Choice and BCT (MPF) Industry Choice which offer a wide range of constituent funds.

                                                              BCT (MPF) Pro Choice
                                                              BCT (MPF) Pro Choice

                                                              BCT (MPF) Pro Choice has 5 constituent fund categories which provides 23 constituent funds covering a wide spectrum of risk.

                                                              • Equity Funds
                                                              • Equity Funds – Market Tracking Series
                                                              • Target Date Mixed Asset Funds
                                                              • Mixed Asset Funds
                                                              • Bond / Money Market Funds

                                                              Target Date Mixed Asset Funds - We are one of the first MPF providers to launch the SaveEasy Fund Series. The SaveEasy Funds are designed to shift their underlying investments from equities towards a greater exposure to bonds and cash as the relevant SaveEasy Fund gets closer to its particular target year. Please refer to Principal Brochure for more details.

                                                              In addition, our Equity Funds - Market Tracking Series consists of three constituent funds. Each constituent fund invests in one or more "Index Tracking Collective Investment Scheme (ITCIS)". All three constituent funds under this series are classified as "Low Fee Fund" (Fund Expense Ratio ≤1.3% or Management Fee ≤1%) as defined by the MPFA.

                                                              BCT (MPF) Industry Choice
                                                              BCT (MPF) Industry Choice

                                                              BCT (MPF) Industry Choice has 3 constituent fund categories which provides 12 constituent funds covering a wide spectrum of risk.

                                                              • Equity Funds
                                                              • Mixed Asset Funds
                                                              • Bond / Money Market Funds

                                                              BCT (MPF) Industry Choice is created specifically for those working in the catering and construction industries.

                                                              Are you satisfied with your existing MPF fund performance?
                                                              Fund Performance

                                                              Fund Performance

                                                              A stable and consistent investment return can help members accumulate and grow their MPF asset for a quality retirement life.

                                                              How can BCT help? Replay

                                                              Professionally Managed Constituent Funds

                                                              BCT has Funds are well-managed

                                                              BCT engages different fund managers and selects the most appropriate fund manager(s) for each asset class based on their expertise and a set of criteria.

                                                              Learn more about the Fund Performance: Fund Performance

                                                              HKIFA website:

                                                              Are you satisfied with the existing fees and charges of your MPF scheme(s)?
                                                              Do they provide value-for-money?
                                                              Competitive Fee


                                                              Fees directly affect investment returns. It is an important factor to consider when making fund choices.

                                                              How can BCT help? Replay

                                                              Fees under BCT's MPF Scheme

                                                              Reasonable Fees

                                                              BCT reviews the operating efficiency of its constituent funds on an ongoing basis and sets our fees at an appropriate level with an aim to deliver value for our members.

                                                              BCT (MPF) Pro Choice

                                                              Management fees of constituent funds range from 0.75% - 1.50% per annum of net asset value.

                                                              More Info BCT (MPF) Industry Choice

                                                              Management fees of constituent funds range from 0.75% - 1.6% per annum of net asset value.

                                                              More Info
                                                              Special Management Fees
                                                              Effective Management Fees*

                                                              General Personal Accounts
                                                              For Personal Accounts except members who have retired, we offer special management fees ranging from 0.75% - 1.38% per annum of net asset value of constituent funds under the Personal Account.

                                                              More Info

                                                              Special Voluntary Contributions Account and Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions Account
                                                              Management fees of the constituent funds range from 0.75%-0.99% per annum of net asset value of constituent funds.

                                                              More Info

                                                              Retirees' Personal Accounts
                                                              For Personal Account members who have retired: 0.59% - 0.99% per annum of net asset value depending on constituent fund chosen under the Personal Account.

                                                              Learn more about MPF fees and charges:

                                                              MPFA website:

                                                              Are you satisfied with the service of your current MPF/ORSO provider?
                                                              Service for Members

                                                              Service for Members

                                                              Members are becoming more and more involved in managing their MPF accounts, it is important to select the best fitted provider that provides quality service information to help you make appropriate investment decisions

                                                              How can BCT help? Replay

                                                              Service for Members

                                                              BCT strives to provide members with comprehensive and customer-centric solutions for managing their MPF account so that retirement planning can be convenient and straightforward

                                                              BCT’s member services are well-recognised within the industry.

                                                              Awards and Recognition
                                                              Online Platform
                                                              One-stop Contact Centre Service
                                                              Investor Education
                                                              Value Added Services
                                                              Communication, Publications
                                                              Online Platform
                                                              • Our Online Platform includes website, mobile applications, MPF eChannel, Social Media (Facebook and Youtube).
                                                              • Manage your MPF account for fund switching, change of investment mandate, MPF account balance of showing the gain and loss, and keep up-to-date with the latest news online.
                                                              One-stop Contact Centre Service
                                                              • A 24-hour interactive voice response system (IVRS) is available for you to manage your MPF.
                                                              • Our professional team can help you handle any enquiries about your MPF account.
                                                              • BCT’s Contact Centre received numerous service awards for our outstanding customer service. Learn more
                                                              • Counter service is also available at BCT office. You can visit us during 9:00am – 6:00pm (Monday to Friday) at 18/F Cosco Tower, 183 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong.
                                                              Investor Education
                                                              Value Added Services
                                                              Investment Planning Service (IPS)

                                                              Our Investment Planning Service helps members gain a better understanding of their investment goals and risk levels in order to make informed investment decisions. This service does not only cover MPF investments but also other fund ranges such as Collective Investment Scheme (CIS). Through one-on-one consultations, members can find the most suitable funds based on their investment goals.

                                                              Learn more
                                                              Retirement Planning Service (RPS)

                                                              Our Retirement Planning Service is aimed at assisting members to plan for retirement. Our experts will help members to get prepared for their retirement in financial, social as well as psychological aspects. Through this service, members will enjoy special management fee rates while being able to withdraw funds in phases.

                                                              Learn more
                                                              Communication and Publications
                                                              • Monthly MPF Account Balance via SMS and SMS notification of receipt of asset transfer-in, fund switching and change of investment mandate
                                                              • Investment Market Outlook
                                                              • e-statement
                                                              • Monthly performance table and quarterly fund performance fact sheet
                                                              • Members' newsletter and BCT e-News