Our ESG Approach

                                                              Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") is the guiding and operating principle at BCT, which we believe will lead us to a better and more sustainable future. We strive to foster a sustainable culture by applying ESG standards and practices within and outside of our workplace, and also actively encourage our fund managers and business partners to adopt and follow, for the sake of human and the planet at large.



                                                              Environment quality is critical for our business, community and people to thrive and grow. Given increasing environmental challenges nowadays, we give a high priority to mitigate impacts of climate change and support the transition to a low-carbon economy. Not only do we collaborate with industry players for climate action, we are proud of how we work closely with our suppliers to reduce emissions, carbon footprint, environmental hazards , paper and electronic waste through digitalisation, whilst advocating the 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) principles and empowering our employees to innovate and adopt more green solutions.



                                                              It is our duty that we speak for ourselves and make a positive impact in the community we operate in. Throughout our history, we actively partner and engage with local charitable organisations to support local causes through volunteering, sharing skills and raising funds, so as to enhance the development of local communities. We also encourage our employees to contribute to the society and promote employee volunteerism and philanthropic donations to co-create a caring culture.

                                                              In terms of pension protection, we have an important role to play in improving financial literacy and safeguarding the MPF system in Hong Kong. In particular, we have a long tradition of serving small-and-medium enterprises and other underserved individuals.


                                                              The CSR Committee


                                                              Since 2003, BCT has been recognised as a "Caring Company", which is awarded to companies that integrate care for the community, employees and the environment into their business practices. As citizens of our community, we understand that BCT is more than just a business, but an organisation that can ignite positive changes in the lives of our employees, our clients, our city, and the environment.

                                                              csr introduction bct caring buddy logo

                                                              BCT formed a volunteer team comprising colleagues from various departments, who is tasked to discover, initiate new volunteer programmes and strengthen our culture of giving back to the community. The team also serves as a way for our colleagues to communicate ideas on how to enhance and enrich our CSR initiatives. We partner with different NGOs to serve those in need.

                                                              In 2006, the committee was divided into various sub-groups focusing on the needs of different areas: youth development, enriching the lives of the elderly, creating an employee-friendly workplace, environmental protection and giving.


                                                              2019 marked the 20th anniversary of BCT. Under the theme of "Embracing a Sustainable Future", we collaborated with an NGO to present a green campaign named "WGO x BCT Paper Saving Pioneers", which was our first large-scale green campaign to promote sustainability. Please click here to learn more.


                                                              BCT Next Academy


                                                              BCT Next Academy Logo 200px

                                                              With our strong commitment to CSR and investor education, BCT is dedicated to helping Hong Kong people build a better retirement life. We established "BCT Third Age Academy" in 2009 to promote lifelong learning to people retiring from their roles at work or household duties.

                                                              In 2018, we renamed the academy to "BCT Next Academy", expanding the servicing group to working population in Hong Kong. We encourage people to step out of the box, make self-enhancement through learning and get prepared for retirement.

                                                              BCT Next Academy Leaflet



                                                              Risk Management


                                                              An effective risk management framework is essential to our success and is an integral part of BCT's culture. While it is necessary to accept a level of risk in achieving business goals, sound risk management measures allow us to make the most of each business opportunity, and enable us to be resilient and responsive to the changing business environment. We are committed to continuously improving our risk management framework by (1) promoting a culture where risk management is recognised as a core part of daily operation; (2) enhancing systematic identification of risks for this to be an integral part of business planning and resource allocation process; (3) establishing systematic reporting of risks and efficient communication; and (4) coordinating improvement initiatives.


                                                              Corporate Governance


                                                              BCT is committed to full compliance with relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and codes on all aspects of our business. It is our objective to prevent breaches of statutory and regulatory obligations as an approved trustee and a principal intermediary. We cultivate a positive compliance culture to ensure that colleagues understand their role in meeting these statutory and regulatory obligations. It is this culture that we reinforce ethical business standards in conducting all business activities with honesty, integrity and fairness.

                                                              In 2018, BCT was one of the MPF trustees which endorsed the Governance Charter for MPF Trustees ("the Charter") launched by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority. Voluntary in nature, the Charter was developed in recognition of the importance of good governance. The contents of the Charter are consistent with the manners in which we have been operating our MPF schemes and accordingly, we have been upholding and will continue to uphold the following 6 core values as advocated by the Charter:

                                                              • Value-for-money MPF schemes and services;
                                                              • Act in the best interests of members;
                                                              • Lift governance standards; Understand and respond to members' needs;
                                                              • Understand and respond to members' needs;
                                                              • Engage members through transparency and communication; and
                                                              • Serve with honesty and integrity.



                                                              How to select your provider 4 major factors to consider

                                                              Fund Choice
                                                              Fund Performance
                                                              Service for Members
                                                              You should consider whether your provider has sufficient constituent fund choices to cater to your needs. How many constituent funds does your existing MPF provider offer?
                                                              Fund Choice

                                                              Fund Choice

                                                              Diversified constituent fund choices are important because different life stages, risk tolerance levels and financial situations require different types of portfolios in order to achieve your retirement goals.

                                                              How can BCT help? Replay

                                                              Our MPF schemes have a wide range of constituent funds^

                                                              A Wide Range of Funds

                                                              Our MPF schemes offer constituent funds managed by different investment managers that are not affiliated with the BCT Group. This enables us to independently appoint investment managers with diverse investment styles and philosophies to be used in our schemes. For further details, please refer to the latest principal brochure. As of today, 8 fund managers have been engaged to help managing your MPF. Overall speaking, the use of multiple fund managers allows us to focus on, among others, the service quality of the fund managers through our selection and monitoring process and provides us with the flexibility to replace fund managers independently.

                                                              ^ BCT offers 2 MPF schemes, namely, BCT MPF (Pro) Choice and BCT (MPF) Industry Choice which offer a wide range of constituent funds.

                                                              BCT (MPF) Pro Choice
                                                              BCT (MPF) Pro Choice

                                                              BCT (MPF) Pro Choice has 5 constituent fund categories which provides 23 constituent funds covering a wide spectrum of risk.

                                                              • Equity Funds
                                                              • Equity Funds – Market Tracking Series
                                                              • Target Date Mixed Asset Funds
                                                              • Mixed Asset Funds
                                                              • Bond / Money Market Funds

                                                              Target Date Mixed Asset Funds - We are one of the first MPF providers to launch the SaveEasy Fund Series. The SaveEasy Funds are designed to shift their underlying investments from equities towards a greater exposure to bonds and cash as the relevant SaveEasy Fund gets closer to its particular target year. Please refer to Principal Brochure for more details.

                                                              In addition, our Equity Funds - Market Tracking Series consists of three constituent funds. Each constituent fund invests in one or more "Index Tracking Collective Investment Scheme (ITCIS)". All three constituent funds under this series are classified as "Low Fee Fund" (Fund Expense Ratio ≤1.3% or Management Fee ≤1%) as defined by the MPFA.

                                                              BCT (MPF) Industry Choice
                                                              BCT (MPF) Industry Choice

                                                              BCT (MPF) Industry Choice has 3 constituent fund categories which provides 12 constituent funds covering a wide spectrum of risk.

                                                              • Equity Funds
                                                              • Mixed Asset Funds
                                                              • Bond / Money Market Funds

                                                              BCT (MPF) Industry Choice is created specifically for those working in the catering and construction industries.

                                                              Are you satisfied with your existing MPF fund performance?
                                                              Fund Performance

                                                              Fund Performance

                                                              A stable and consistent investment return can help members accumulate and grow their MPF asset for a quality retirement life.

                                                              How can BCT help? Replay

                                                              Professionally Managed Constituent Funds

                                                              BCT has Funds are well-managed

                                                              BCT engages different fund managers and selects the most appropriate fund manager(s) for each asset class based on their expertise and a set of criteria.

                                                              Learn more about the Fund Performance: Fund Performance

                                                              HKIFA website:

                                                              Are you satisfied with the existing fees and charges of your MPF scheme(s)?
                                                              Do they provide value-for-money?
                                                              Competitive Fee


                                                              Fees directly affect investment returns. It is an important factor to consider when making fund choices.

                                                              How can BCT help? Replay

                                                              Fees under BCT's MPF Scheme

                                                              Reasonable Fees

                                                              BCT reviews the operating efficiency of its constituent funds on an ongoing basis and sets our fees at an appropriate level with an aim to deliver value for our members.

                                                              BCT (MPF) Pro Choice

                                                              Management fees of constituent funds range from 0.75% - 1.50% per annum of net asset value.

                                                              More Info BCT (MPF) Industry Choice

                                                              Management fees of constituent funds range from 0.75% - 1.6% per annum of net asset value.

                                                              More Info
                                                              Special Management Fees
                                                              Effective Management Fees*

                                                              General Personal Accounts
                                                              For Personal Accounts except members who have retired, we offer special management fees ranging from 0.75% - 1.38% per annum of net asset value of constituent funds under the Personal Account.

                                                              More Info

                                                              Special Voluntary Contributions Account and Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions Account
                                                              Management fees of the constituent funds range from 0.75%-0.99% per annum of net asset value of constituent funds.

                                                              More Info

                                                              Retirees' Personal Accounts
                                                              For Personal Account members who have retired: 0.59% - 0.99% per annum of net asset value depending on constituent fund chosen under the Personal Account.

                                                              Learn more about MPF fees and charges:

                                                              MPFA website:

                                                              Are you satisfied with the service of your current MPF/ORSO provider?
                                                              Service for Members

                                                              Service for Members

                                                              Members are becoming more and more involved in managing their MPF accounts, it is important to select the best fitted provider that provides quality service information to help you make appropriate investment decisions

                                                              How can BCT help? Replay

                                                              Service for Members

                                                              BCT strives to provide members with comprehensive and customer-centric solutions for managing their MPF account so that retirement planning can be convenient and straightforward

                                                              BCT’s member services are well-recognised within the industry.

                                                              Awards and Recognition
                                                              Online Platform
                                                              One-stop Contact Centre Service
                                                              Investor Education
                                                              Value Added Services
                                                              Communication, Publications
                                                              Online Platform
                                                              • Our Online Platform includes website, mobile applications, MPF eChannel, Social Media (Facebook and Youtube).
                                                              • Manage your MPF account for fund switching, change of investment mandate, MPF account balance of showing the gain and loss, and keep up-to-date with the latest news online.
                                                              One-stop Contact Centre Service
                                                              • A 24-hour interactive voice response system (IVRS) is available for you to manage your MPF.
                                                              • Our professional team can help you handle any enquiries about your MPF account.
                                                              • BCT’s Contact Centre received numerous service awards for our outstanding customer service. Learn more
                                                              • Counter service is also available at BCT office. You can visit us during 9:00am – 6:00pm (Monday to Friday) at 18/F Cosco Tower, 183 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong.
                                                              Investor Education
                                                              Value Added Services
                                                              Investment Planning Service (IPS)

                                                              Our Investment Planning Service helps members gain a better understanding of their investment goals and risk levels in order to make informed investment decisions. This service does not only cover MPF investments but also other fund ranges such as Collective Investment Scheme (CIS). Through one-on-one consultations, members can find the most suitable funds based on their investment goals.

                                                              Learn more
                                                              Retirement Planning Service (RPS)

                                                              Our Retirement Planning Service is aimed at assisting members to plan for retirement. Our experts will help members to get prepared for their retirement in financial, social as well as psychological aspects. Through this service, members will enjoy special management fee rates while being able to withdraw funds in phases.

                                                              Learn more
                                                              Communication and Publications
                                                              • Monthly MPF Account Balance via SMS and SMS notification of receipt of asset transfer-in, fund switching and change of investment mandate
                                                              • Investment Market Outlook
                                                              • e-statement
                                                              • Monthly performance table and quarterly fund performance fact sheet
                                                              • Members' newsletter and BCT e-News