About BCT

                                                              LSP / SP Offset

                                                              Offsetting Arrangement of Long Service Payment ("LSP") and Severance Payment ("SP")

                                                              As an employer, if you are planning to offset the Long Service Payment or Severance Payment paid to your employees with the MPF accrued benefits derived from the employer's contribution, please note the following:

                                                              Under the Employment Ordinance, some employees may be entitled to Long Service Payment or Severance Payment. According to the MPF legislation, an employer can offset the Long Service Payment or Severance Payment paid to an employee with the MPF vested benefits derived from the employer's contribution made to an MPF scheme for that employee.

                                                              The offsetting sequence is:

                                                              1. Vested balance of employer voluntary contributions (if any)
                                                              2. Employer mandatory contributions
                                                              • Employers should communicate with their employees if they have revised the Agreement in relation to the Long Service Payment or Severance Payment offsetting arrangement.
                                                              • Employers should communicate their intention to their employees with regard to Long Service Payment or Severance Payment claim before applying the offsetting agreement.

                                                              How to File Offsetting Agreement
                                                              Step 1
                                                              step 1
                                                              Complete Claim Form

                                                              Mark "Long Service Payment /Severance Payment Claim" and indicate the Long Service Payment / Severance Payment amount in the relevant columns on the remittance statement or the Employee Termination Notice

                                                              Step 2
                                                              step 2

                                                              Submit the original Long Service Payment / Severance Payment receipt duly signed by you and your employee

                                                              Operators of an MPF Scheme

                                                              Plan Sponsor BCTF
                                                              Trustee BCTC
                                                              Administrator BCTC
                                                              Custodian BCTC
                                                              Fund Manager
                                                              Plan Sponsor BCTF
                                                              • Determine pricing structure & fee discount for clients
                                                              • Design MPF scheme including selecting fund managers & investment choices for members
                                                              • Establish performance benchmarks for constituent funds
                                                              • Promote / market the scheme and provide member service
                                                              Trustee BCTC
                                                              • Perform fiduciary & statutory duties, diligently and responsibly
                                                              • Appoint administrator, fund manager & custodian, oversee & monitor such service providers
                                                              • Hold title to trust assets on behalf of scheme members & authorise benefit payments
                                                              • Regulatory & compliance reporting
                                                              Administrator BCTC
                                                              • Keep proper accounts & records of scheme / members / investment funds
                                                              • Provide members with benefit statements and relevant information on a regular basis
                                                              • Calculate net asset value per unit of trust funds
                                                              Custodian BCTC
                                                              • Safekeep underlying securities & cash
                                                              • Settle purchase / sale of securities
                                                              • Act on trustee’s instruction
                                                              • Appoint appropriate sub-custodian
                                                              Fund Manager
                                                              • Provide independent investment management
                                                              • Formulate investment policy, strategy & benchmarks
                                                              • Comply with respective investment guidelines / regulations & investment policies
                                                              • Monitor investment restrictions
                                                              Plan Sponsor BCTF
                                                              Plan Sponsor BCTF
                                                              • Determine pricing structure & fee discount for clients
                                                              • Design MPF scheme including selecting fund managers & investment choices for members
                                                              • Establish performance benchmarks for constituent funds
                                                              • Promote / market the scheme and provide member service
                                                              Trustee BCTC
                                                              Trustee BCTC
                                                              • Perform fiduciary & statutory duties, diligently and responsibly
                                                              • Appoint administrator, fund manager & custodian, oversee & monitor such service providers
                                                              • Hold title to trust assets on behalf of scheme members & authorise benefit payments
                                                              • Regulatory & compliance reporting
                                                              Administrator BCTC
                                                              Administrator BCTC
                                                              • Keep proper accounts & records of scheme / members / investment funds
                                                              • Provide members with benefit statements and relevant information on a regular basis
                                                              • Calculate net asset value per unit of trust funds
                                                              Custodian BCTC
                                                              Custodian BCTC
                                                              • Safekeep underlying securities & cash
                                                              • Settle purchase / sale of securities
                                                              • Act on trustee’s instruction
                                                              • Appoint appropriate sub-custodian
                                                              Fund Manager
                                                              Fund Manager
                                                              • Provide independent investment management
                                                              • Formulate investment policy, strategy & benchmarks
                                                              • Comply with respective investment guidelines / regulations & investment policies
                                                              • Monitor investment restrictions

                                                              Operators of an MPF Scheme

                                                              Plan Sponsor BCTF
                                                              • Determine pricing structure & fee discount for clients
                                                              • Design MPF scheme including selecting fund managers & investment choices for members
                                                              • Establish performance benchmarks for constituent funds
                                                              • Promote / market the scheme and provide member service
                                                              Trustee BCTC
                                                              • Perform fiduciary & statutory duties, diligently and responsibly
                                                              • Appoint administrator, fund manager & custodian, oversee & monitor such service providers
                                                              • Hold title to trust assets on behalf of scheme members & authorise benefit payments
                                                              • Regulatory & compliance reporting
                                                              Administrator BCTC
                                                              • Keep proper accounts & records of scheme / members / investment funds
                                                              • Provide members with benefit statements and relevant information on a regular basis
                                                              • Calculate net asset value per unit of trust funds
                                                              Custodian BCTC
                                                              • Safekeep underlying securities & cash
                                                              • Settle purchase / sale of securities
                                                              • Act on trustee’s instruction
                                                              • Appoint appropriate sub-custodian
                                                              Fund Manager
                                                              • Provide independent investment management
                                                              • Formulate investment policy, strategy & benchmarks
                                                              • Comply with respective investment guidelines / regulations & investment policies
                                                              • Monitor investment restrictions