We provide a one-stop solution with dedicated representative to help you. Whilst you focus on your business, our team of pension specialists will support you to ensure a seamless transfer.
Simple Steps to Join Our Scheme
Simply complete the related forms and we will take care of the rest. Our representatives will be delighted to discuss your specific needs and work with you to set up a plan with BCT.
Please download the complete BCT (MPF) Pro Choice Information Kits and read our Offering Documents for details of the plans.
BCT (MPF) Pro Choice Information Kit (Self-Employed):
‧ MPF Scheme Brochure : BCT (MPF) Pro Choice
‧ Product Summary
‧ Company Leaflet
‧ Application Form - Self-employed Person (Master Trust Scheme - BCT (MPF) Pro Choice) [AP(SEP)–MT]
‧ Scheme Member’s Request for Account Consolidation Form (For Consolidating Multiple Personal Accounts into One Account) [MPF(S)-P(C)]
‧ Request for Fund Transfer Form (For self-employed person, personal account holder or employee ceasing employment) and Statement of Authentication[RFT(MEM)]
Operators of an MPF Scheme
Plan Sponsor BCTF
Trustee BCTC
Administrator BCTC
Custodian BCTC
Fund Manager
Plan Sponsor BCTF
Determine pricing structure & fee discount for clients
Design MPF scheme including selecting fund managers & investment choices for members
Establish performance benchmarks for constituent funds
Promote / market the scheme and provide member service
Trustee BCTC
Perform fiduciary & statutory duties, diligently and responsibly
Appoint administrator, fund manager & custodian, oversee & monitor such service providers
Hold title to trust assets on behalf of scheme members & authorise benefit payments
Regulatory & compliance reporting
Administrator BCTC
Keep proper accounts & records of scheme / members / investment funds
Provide members with benefit statements and relevant information on a regular basis