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                                                              BCT Celebrates 20th Anniversary of the MPF System


                                                              The MPF System marked its 20th anniversary on 1 December 2020. Over the years, it has undergone continuous enhancements to help the workforce build retirement savings. To mark this important milestone, Ms Ka Shi Lau, our Managing Director & CEO joined the MPFA's "MPF System 20th Anniversary Webinar" in her capacity of the Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Trustees' Association, to review the major reforms of the MPF System in the past two decades and explore the way forward.

                                                              Besides, we welcome you to visit the "MPF System 20th Anniversary" website (https://minisite.mpfa.org.hk/mpf20) launched by the MPFA, featuring a promotional video themed "Committed To You", a video series of 4 real-life cases and another video with former and incumbent MPFA Chairmen and Managing Directors to recount the 20-year development of the MPF System.