Retirement Planning

                                                              BCT Scooped Multiple Awards from MPF Ratings

                                                              BCT continued to receive multiple accolades from “2022’s The MPF Awards” organised by MPF Ratings. Our master trust scheme "BCT (MPF) Pro Choice" has achieved “Gold Rating” and the “Best Administration award” for 8 and 7 consecutive years respectively.

                                                              l   MPF Ratings 5 Year Gold

                                                              l   Best Administration

                                                              l   Socially Responsible

                                                              l   Consistent Performer – Mixed Asset (Dynamics)


                                                              MPFR’s GOLD Rating is awarded to the best “Value for Money” MPF schemes. It recognises schemes that offer the best member experiences, including good investment outcomes, strong governance, a diversity of fund choices, efficient administration, and superior financial education and use of technology, enabling members to maximise their retirement savings within and outside the MPF system.


                                                              MPFR is a leading provider of independent MPF research and ratings in Hong Kong. Its ratings system covers three main individually weighted assessment components, including fund choices and investment performance, fees and charges, and overall services of the schemes. For more details of the ratings and the award programme, please visit


                                                              Remarks: The above awards are for reference only, with the sole purpose of corporate communications. Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

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                                                              Identify Your Investor Type – Before making any investment decisions, you can complete the risk assessment questionnaire and check your risk tolerance level, according to your retirement goal, income, age and risk appetite.

                                                              "BCT iPortfolio" Provides You with Investment Reference – Upon completing the risk assessment questionnaire, “BCT iPortfolio” will show model portfolios suited to investors of different risk levels, to help you make informed investment decisions.

                                                              Review Portfolio Regularly – Do the risk assessment questionnaire every year, or when you move to a different life stage, and adjust asset allocation as necessary. If you are a BCT member, you can log into your account and save the assessment result. The system will remind you to do the assessment every year automatically. This makes portfolio review and asset allocation more flexible and easier.

                                                              What type of investor are you?
                                                              Any investment involves risk and different investors are able to take on different amounts. Depending on your retirement goals, income, age and investing aggressiveness, you’ll fall into one of the following categories. Choose from the best option below
                                                              Assets and Liabilities
                                                              Net Asset
                                                              (Total asset - Total liability (including mortgage))
                                                              Negative HK$0 to 1 mn More than HK$1 mn to 3 mn More than HK$3 mn to 5 mn More than HK$5 mn to 10 mn More than HK $10 mn
                                                              Saving Ratio
                                                              (Saving amount / Monthly income)
                                                              0% > 0% - 5% > 5% - 10% > 10% - 15% > 15% - 20% > 20%
                                                              Investment Objective
                                                              Investment Experience
                                                              Risk Profiling Questionnaire
                                                              Your Risk Level is

                                                              Please login to the Member Web / Mobile App immediately to save your current risk assessment result.


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                                                              Interested to know more?
                                                              Want to learn more about the fund that fit your risk level?