Investment Views from Managers

                                                              BCT Managing Director & CEO Ms Ka Shi Lau, BBS, receives "CAPITAL Leaders of Excellence 2013" Award

                                                              Ms Lau was awarded this prestigious recognition for excellence in leadership, her reputation and contribution to the society. It is organised annually by the CAPITAL magazine.

                                                              The award presentation ceremony was held on 13 January 2014. On receiving this award at the ceremony, Ms Lau expressed gratitude to the shareholders, senior management, staff, business partners and customers of BCT as well as that of BCT's industry counterparts, adding that she would not have achieved what she had today without their full support. She also thanked God and her family. Looking ahead, she stressed that BCT would continue its commitment to providing the best-in-class retirement products and services to the Hong Kong community, to being a responsible corporate citizen, and to nurturing leaders of future generations.

                                                              A total of 14 prestigious business leaders were recognised with the "CAPITAL Leaders of Excellence 2013" award. Winners were selected based on 8 criteria: leadership and management skills; social responsibility; business concept; reputations; personal goals and achievements; contributions to country and society; balance and harmony between work & family; and remarkable samples for the next generation. The panel of judges comprised influential members of the business community, who are widely regarded as prominent leaders in their respective industries.

                                                              Some of the information contained herein including any expression of opinion or forecast has been obtained from or is based on sources believed by us to be reliable, but is not guaranteed and we do not warrant the adequacy, accuracy, reliability or completeness of such information obtained from or based on external sources. The information is given on the understanding that independent investment advice should be sought when making investment decisions; that it will not be relied on in the making of investment decision and that any person who acts upon it or otherwise changes his or her position in reliance thereon does so entirely at his or her own risk. This is not an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation or incitement of offer to buy or sell any securities referred to herein, save for BCT (MPF) Pro Choice, BCT (MPF) Industry Choice, BCT Premier Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan and their underlying constituent funds. It should also be appreciated that under certain circumstances the redemption of units/shares may be suspended. Investment involves, in particular, risks associated with investment in emerging and less developed markets. Please refer to the relevant prospectus for details. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

                                                              Information contains on this webpage is for reference only. The views and opinions as expressed therein may vary as the market changes.