Fund Information

                                                              BCT Introduces Hong Kong’s First Asian Income Retirement Fund that Aims to Provide Income and Protection against Inflation



                                                               Important Notes

                                                              l           Investors should consider their own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices or investing according to the Default Investment Strategy. When, in selection of funds or the Default Investment Strategy, investors are in doubt as to whether a certain fund or the Default Investment Strategy is suitable for investors (including whether it is consistent with own investment objective), investors should seek financial and / or professional advice and choose the investment choice(s) most suitable for investors taking into account their circumstances.

                                                              l          In the event that investors do not make any investment choices, please be reminded that contributions made and / or accrued benefits transferred into the Plan will be invested in accordance with the Default Investment Strategy, which may not necessarily be suitable for investors.

                                                              l          Members should note that BCT (Pro) Asian Income Retirement Fund does not provide any guarantee on capital or investment return or dividend yield. The fund may pay dividends out of net distributable income and/or capital, which will result in an immediate decrease or adjustment in the net asset value per unit of the fund. The payment of dividends (if any) will involve an investment time-lag and is subject to out-of-market risk. There is no assurance on the dividend distribution frequency and the dividend amount/yield may fluctuate.

                                                              l          The fund (including dividends distributed) are subject to the same vesting, preservation and withdrawal requirements applicable to mandatory and voluntary contributions (as applicable).

                                                              l          Investors’ investment decision should not be based on this document alone. Please read the MPF Scheme Brochure for BCT (MPF) Pro Choice for further details including the risk factors.

                                                              l          Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The price of constituent funds may fall as well as rise.


                                                              BCT Introduces Hong Kong’s

                                                              First Asian Income Retirement Fund that

                                                              Aims to Provide Income and Protection against Inflation


                                                              To help address the three major challenges most Hong Kong people face in planning for entering the retirement phase, including the price inflation caused by interest rate hikes, the uncertainty caused by the volatility of the investment market, and the extended retirement period due to the longevity of Hong Kong people. BCT announces the launch of the “BCT (Pro) Asian Income Retirement Fund (‘Fund’)”, Hong Kong’s first MPF fund that aims to offer stable income and protection against inflation.

                                                              The Fund will seek an expected total return of 2% above the concurrent Hong Kong Consumer Price Index. The monthly dividend[1] payout will enable members to preserve purchasing power for their daily needs after retirement. The Fund will be available in Hong Kong on 25 April 2022.

                                                              BCT Managing Director & CEO Ms. Ka Shi LAU said, “Inflation is the number one enemy of retirement. 1% increase in inflation can eat away one-fifth of the investment return in our MPF savings. The Federal Reserve has recently announced its first rate hike since 2018. We see new opportunities in the investment-grade Asian USD fixed income securities managed to weather through the past rate hike cycles and generate favourable returns. With the launch of ‘BCT (Pro) Asian Income Retirement Fund’, members can enjoy a target total return of 2% above the inflation rate to plan for a hassle-free retirement.”

                                                              The 40-year high inflation rate in the U.S. and the disruption of the global supply chain put a lot of pressure on the prices of goods imported into Hong Kong. The situation is likely to worsen in the foreseeable future. What’s more, Hong Kong has the highest life expectancy[2], which means more financial reserves are required to sustain a longer life span. A BCT survey last year showed that more than 70% of Hong Kong people[3] hope that their retirement can offer them financial independence. The Fund is mostly fixed income, with at least 70% of its net asset value (NAV) invested in Asian investment-grade USD-denominated fixed-income securities. Not more than 30% of its NAV invested in Hong Kong and Mainland China-related equity securities. With zero defaults risk recorded since 2010, Asian investment-grade USD-denominated fixed-income securities are considered relatively stable investments. The dividends distributed will be reinvested into the Fund if the members are below the age of 65 to accumulate more units for future dividends and capital appreciation.

                                                              BCT adopts an open architecture fund platform by working with numerous well-known global investment management companies. This time, with Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) Company Limited as the investment manager, the fund house is a subsidiary of Taikang Asset Management Company Limited (‘Taikang Asset’). A Fortune 500 company, Taikang Insurance Group-backed Taikang Asset is one of the largest pension management institutions in China, with over US$433.6 billion in total assets under management. "We are pleased to join hands with BCT on its multi-manager platform to launch the ‘BCT (Pro) Asian Income Retirement Fund’. Not only that the Fund is MPF market’s first that aims to offer both stable income and protection against inflation, but it is also our first retirement product launched in Hong Kong,” said Taikang Asset Management General Manager, Ms. ZHANG Le.

                                                              With the aim to provide “protection against inflation”, the Fund offers a balanced and stable option for MPF investment and life-long savings.

                                                              [1] It is intended that the Fund will distribute dividend on a monthly basis starting from the seventh month (or earlier as advised by the investment manager if it considers appropriate) after the launch date of 25 April 2022.

                                                              [2] According to figures from the Census and Statistics Department in 2020, expectation of life at birth is 83 years for male and 88 years for female, which has increased by about 8 years compared to that of 30 years ago.

                                                              [3] BCT commissioned an independent research institute to conduct a survey of 600 MPF account holders on “Future Life Expectations and Financial Preparation for Retirement of Hong Kong People”in May 2021.


                                                              Fund Range

                                                              Our MPF Investment Schemes

                                                              We offer two different MPF schemes: BCT (MPF) Pro Choice, a master trust scheme and BCT (MPF) Industry Choice, an industry scheme to cater to different employees in Hong Kong.

                                                              Our master trust scheme is aimed towards the general working population while our industry scheme is designed for those working in the catering and construction industries. We strive to be the provider of choice, so our MPF constituent funds available under the 2 MPF schemes are managed by seven independent global investment managers which are selected based on stringent criteria and our members’ interests in mind.

                                                              Name of Constituent FundInvestment Manager
                                                              Equity Funds  
                                                              BCT (Pro) China and Hong Kong Equity Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) Asian Equity Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) European Equity Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) Global Equity Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              Equity Funds – Market Tracking Series  
                                                              BCT (Pro) Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund Invesco Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) U.S. Equity Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) Greater China Equity Fund CSOP Asset Management Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) World Equity Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              Target Date Mixed Asset Funds  
                                                              BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2050 Fund FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2045 Fund FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2040 Fund FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2035 Fund FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2030 Fund FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2025 Fund FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2020 Fund FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited
                                                              Mixed Asset Funds  
                                                              BCT (Pro) E90 Mixed Asset Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) E70 Mixed Asset Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) E50 Mixed Asset Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) E30 Mixed Asset Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) Flexi Mixed Asset Fund Allianz Global Investors Asia Pacific Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) Core Accumulation Fund* Invesco Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) Age 65 Plus Fund* Invesco Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) Asian Income Retirement Fund Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) Company Limited
                                                              Bond / Money Market Funds  
                                                              BCT (Pro) RMB Bond Fund Invesco Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) Global Bond Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) Hong Kong Dollar Bond Fund JPMorgan Funds (Asia) Limited
                                                              BCT (Pro) MPF Conservative Fund Invesco Hong Kong Limited
                                                              * DIS Funds

                                                              Management Fees

                                                              Name of Constituent FundManagement Fees1
                                                              (% per annum of net asset value)
                                                              Equity Funds
                                                              BCT (Pro) China and Hong Kong Equity Fund 1.43%
                                                              BCT (Pro) Asian Equity Fund 1.50%
                                                              BCT (Pro) European Equity Fund 1.50%
                                                              BCT (Pro) Global Equity Fund 1.44%
                                                              Equity Funds – Market Tracking Series
                                                              BCT (Pro) Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund 0.73% - 0.79%2
                                                              BCT (Pro) U.S. Equity Fund up to 0.99%
                                                              BCT (Pro) Greater China Equity Fund up to 0.99%
                                                              BCT (Pro) World Equity Fund up to 0.99%
                                                              Target Date Mixed Asset Funds
                                                              BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2050 Fund up to 1.45%3
                                                              BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2045 Fund up to 1.45%3
                                                              BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2040 Fund up to 1.45%3
                                                              BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2035 Fund up to 1.45%3
                                                              BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2030 Fund up to 1.45%3
                                                              BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2025 Fund up to 1.20%3
                                                              BCT (Pro) SaveEasy 2020 Fund up to 1.20%3
                                                              Mixed Asset Funds
                                                              BCT (Pro) E90 Mixed Asset Fund 1.44%
                                                              BCT (Pro) E70 Mixed Asset Fund 1.44%
                                                              BCT (Pro) E50 Mixed Asset Fund 1.44%
                                                              BCT (Pro) E30 Mixed Asset Fund 1.44%
                                                              BCT (Pro) Flexi Mixed Asset Fund Up to 1.32%
                                                              BCT (Pro) Core Accumulation Fund* 0.75%
                                                              BCT (Pro) Age 65 Plus Fund* 0.75%
                                                              BCT (Pro) Asian Income Retirement Fund#^ Up to 1.288%
                                                              Bond / Money Market Funds
                                                              BCT (Pro) RMB Bond Fund 1.175%
                                                              BCT (Pro) Global Bond Fund 1.40%
                                                              BCT (Pro) Hong Kong Dollar Bond Fund 0.9995%
                                                              BCT (Pro) MPF Conservative Fund 0.88%
                                                              * DIS Funds
                                                              1 "Management fees" include trustee, custodian, administrator, investment manager and sponsor of a scheme for providing their services to the relevant funds. They are usually charged as a percentage of the net asset value of a fund. In the case of the Core Accumulation Fund and the Age 65 Plus Fund, management fees payable to the parties named above, or their delegates, can only (subject to certain exceptions in the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance) be charged as a percentage of the net asset value of the DIS Fund. These management fees are also subject to a statutory daily limit equivalent to 0.75% per annum of the net asset value of the DIS Fund which applies across both the DIS Fund and its underlying funds.
                                                              2 A fixed investment management fee of up to HK$75,000 per month is charged and paid out of the assets of the BCT (Pro) Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund. The fee is payable on a monthly basis and accrues daily pro-rata to the number of days in a month. The fee is payable to Invesco as the investment manager of the BCT (Pro) Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund for its investment management services including, but not limited to, investing all member and employer contributions to the BCT (Pro) Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund according to the applicable investment guidelines, and the acquisition and disposal of units in the underlying ITCIS.
                                                              3 The fee shall be reduced to 1.20% five years prior to reaching the beginning (i.e. 1 January) of the applicable target year.

                                                              Our MPF Investment Schemes

                                                              We offer two different MPF schemes: BCT (MPF) Pro Choice, a master trust scheme and BCT (MPF) Industry Choice, an industry scheme to cater to different employees in Hong Kong.

                                                              Our master trust scheme is aimed towards the general working population while our industry scheme is designed for those working in the catering and construction industries. We strive to be the provider of choice, so our MPF constituent funds available under the 2 MPF schemes are managed by seven independent global investment managers which are carefully selected based on stringent criteria and our members' interests in mind.

                                                              Name of Constituent FundInvestment Manager
                                                              Equity Funds  
                                                              BCT (Industry) Hong Kong Equity Fund FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited
                                                              BCT (Industry) Asian Equity Fund Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited
                                                              BCT (Industry) Global Equity Fund N/A
                                                              Mixed Asset Funds  
                                                              BCT (Industry) E70 Mixed Asset Fund Invesco Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Industry) E50 Mixed Asset Fund Invesco Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Industry) E30 Mixed Asset Fund Invesco Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Industry) Flexi Mixed Asset Fund Allianz Global Investors Asia Pacific Limited
                                                              BCT (Industry) Core Accumulation Fund* Invesco Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Industry) Age 65 Plus Fund* Invesco Hong Kong Limited
                                                              Bond / Money Market Funds  
                                                              BCT (Industry) RMB Bond Fund Invesco Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT (Industry) Global Bond Fund N/A
                                                              BCT (Industry) MPF Conservative Fund Invesco Hong Kong Limited
                                                              * DIS Funds

                                                              Management Fees

                                                              Name of Constituent FundManagement Fees1
                                                              (% per annum of net asset value)
                                                              Equity Funds  
                                                              BCT (Industry) Hong Kong Equity Fund Up to 1.535%
                                                              BCT (Industry) Asian Equity Fund 1.60%
                                                              BCT (Industry) Global Equity Fund 1.585%
                                                              Mixed Asset Funds  
                                                              BCT (Industry) E70 Mixed Asset Fund 1.53%
                                                              BCT (Industry) E50 Mixed Asset Fund 1.53%
                                                              BCT (Industry) E30 Mixed Asset Fund 1.53%
                                                              BCT (Industry) Flexi Mixed Asset Fund up to 1.52%
                                                              BCT (Industry) Core Accumulation Fund* 0.75%
                                                              BCT (Industry) Age 65 Plus Fund* 0.75%
                                                              Bond / Money Market Funds  
                                                              BCT (Industry) RMB Bond Fund 1.175%
                                                              BCT (Industry) Global Bond Fund 1.485%
                                                              BCT (Industry) MPF Conservative Fund 0.88%
                                                              * DIS Funds
                                                              1 “Management fees” include trustee, administration and custodian fee, sponsor fee and investment management fee paid to the trustee, administrator, custodian, sponsor and investment manager of a scheme for providing their services to the relevant fund. They are usually charged as a percentage of the net asset value of a fund. In the case of the Core Accumulation Fund and the Age 65 Plus Fund, management fees payable to the parties named above, or their delegates, can only (subject to certain exceptions in the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance) be charged as a percentage of the net asset value of the DIS Fund. These management fees are also subject to a statutory daily limit equivalent to 0.75% per annum of the net asset value of the DIS Fund which applies across both the DIS Fund and its underlying funds.

                                                              Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan

                                                              Let us help you get ready for retirement you deserve. The BCT Premier Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan is a pooled investment scheme which allows investors to plan for retirement by investing in a variety of different funds based on their own personal risk tolerances. Our funds are managed by independent fund management companies which have no ties to BCT by way of ownership, so members can be assured that we only have their best interests in mind.

                                                              Name of PortfoliosInvestment Manager / Guarantor
                                                              Equity Funds  
                                                              BCT ORSO China & HK Equity Fund Invesco Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT ORSO Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT ORSO Asian Equity Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT ORSO European Equity Fund Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited^
                                                              BCT ORSO North American Equity Fund Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited^
                                                              Equity Funds – Market Tracking Series  
                                                              BCT ORSO Hong Kong Equity Index Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              Mixed Asset Funds  
                                                              BCT ORSO Growth Fund Allianz Global Investors Asia Pacific Limited
                                                              BCT ORSO E90 Market Tracking Mixed Asset Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT ORSO Balanced Fund Allianz Global Investors Asia Pacific Limited
                                                              BCT ORSO E70 Market Tracking Mixed Asset Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT ORSO Stable Growth Fund Allianz Global Investors Asia Pacific Limited
                                                              BCT ORSO E50 Market Tracking Mixed Asset Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT ORSO Capital Stable Fund Allianz Global Investors Asia Pacific Limited
                                                              BCT ORSO E30 Market Tracking Mixed Asset Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              BCT ORSO Asian Income Retirement Fund Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) Company Limited
                                                              Bond Fund  
                                                              BCT ORSO Global Bond Fund Amundi Hong Kong Limited
                                                              Money Market Fund  
                                                              BCT ORSO HK Dollar Cash Fund Allianz Global Investors Asia Pacific Limited
                                                              Guaranteed Fund  
                                                              BCT ORSO Guaranteed Fund China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited

                                                               ^Schroders is the manager of the underlying Nominated Fund. As this Portfolio is a feeder fund structure, investment manager at portfolio level is not compulsory.

                                                              Management Fees

                                                              Name of PortfoliosManagement Fees1
                                                              (% per annum of net asset value)
                                                              Equity Funds  
                                                              BCT ORSO China & HK Equity Fund 1.00%
                                                              BCT ORSO Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund 1.37%
                                                              BCT ORSO Asian Equity Fund 1.40%
                                                              BCT ORSO European Equity Fund Up to 0.98%
                                                              BCT ORSO North American Equity Fund Up to 0.98%
                                                              Equity Funds – Market Tracking Series  
                                                              BCT ORSO Hong Kong Equity Index Fund Up to 0.84%
                                                              Mixed Asset Funds  
                                                              BCT ORSO Growth Fund Up to 0.97%
                                                              BCT ORSO E90 Market Tracking Mixed Asset Fund Up to 0.95%
                                                              BCT ORSO Balanced Fund Up to 0.97%
                                                              BCT ORSO E70 Market Tracking Mixed Asset Fund Up to 0.95%
                                                              BCT ORSO Stable Growth Fund Up to 0.97%
                                                              BCT ORSO E50 Market Tracking Mixed Asset Fund Up to 0.95%
                                                              BCT ORSO Capital Stable Fund Up to 0.97%
                                                              BCT ORSO E30 Market Tracking Mixed Asset Fund Up to 0.95%
                                                              BCT ORSO Asian Income Retirement Fund#^ Up to 1.238%
                                                              Bond Fund  
                                                              BCT ORSO Global Bond Fund 1.10%
                                                              Money Market Fund  
                                                              BCT ORSO HK Dollar Cash Fund Up to 0.77%
                                                              Guaranteed Fund  
                                                              BCT ORSO Guaranteed Fund* 1.00%
                                                              1 “Management fees” means the total of sponsor, trustee and administration fee, investment management fee and sub-trustee fee (if applicable).
                                                              *China Life charges an investment charge which is payable to China Life in arrears at the end of each calendar year. In addition, the following may be deducted from the assets of the China Life Policy: guarantee charge, smoothing provisions, audit fees, legal fees, other disbursements and net investment returns of the China Life Policy. For the avoidance of doubt, the net investment return at the policy level is guaranteed by China Life at the Guaranteed Rate of Return and will not be reduced as a result of such fees or deductions.
                                                              Normal 0 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-TW X-NONE Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) Company Limited