Fund Performance Remark of BCT (MPF) Industry Choice

                                                              Performance figures will be available after a 6-month track record has been attained.

                                                              Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Members should refer to the MPF scheme brochure of the BCT (MPF) Industry Choice for further details, including the risk factors and detailed investment policies of the constituent funds.

                                                              Enrollment Timeline: within 60 days of employment.

                                                              Just one step to take:

                                                              For Enrollment
                                                              Fill-in form
                                                              Fill-in form

                                                              Download and complete the Member Enrollment Form (Note: Authorised signature with company chop are required) and send it to us.

                                                              Upon completion of your enrollment
                                                              • Notice of Participation will be sent to your employees within five working days upon receipt of the enrollment form.
                                                              • Email or SMS notification will be sent to your employees for retrieving a verification code, which could be used for password set up via member website afterwards.

                                                              Please read the relevant MPF Scheme Brochure before completing the above application forms.

                                                              Enrollment Timeline: the next working day following the 1st pay day or the 10th day from the commencement of employment, whichever is earlier.

                                                              Just one step to take:

                                                              For Enrollment
                                                              Fill-in form
                                                              Fill-in form

                                                              Complete the following forms and send to us directly

                                                              Upon completion of your enrollment
                                                              • Notice of Participation and Casual Employee Card will be sent to your employees within five working days upon receipt of the enrollment form.
                                                              • Email or SMS notification will be sent to your employees for retrieving a verification code, which could be used for password set up via member website afterwards.

                                                              Please read the relevant MPF Scheme Brochure before completing the above application forms.