We are heading to an era of high inflation again, which affects the buying power of money and erodes the value of retirement savings. Hong Kong people are famous for their longevity, and we will be experiencing a period of inflation once more. In that sense, inflation is the enemy of retirement!
BCT launches the first MPF fund which aims to provide “protection against inflation” as well as “dividend income”. “BCT (Pro) Asian Income Retirement Fund” will be added to the "BCT (MPF) Pro Choice" with effect from 25 April 2022. No matter which stage of life you are in, BCT is here to shape the future with you.
To Know More
Leaflet introducing the new funds: https://bit.ly/3w8tSBb
Frequently Asked Questions: https://bit.ly/3i2CNf1
Relevant Notice to Participating Employers and Members: https://bit.ly/3CMwgPi