BCT received the "Best-in-Class" award for 10 consecutive years and the "Gold" award for 11 consecutive years in the "Finance and Insurance" sector at the "Mystery Caller Assessment Award", in recognition of our long-standing achievement in serving customers.
Providing excellent customer service is one of our top agendas and we have been increasing investment in people and technology to elevate customer experience. Leveraging the latest technology, our customer services professionals are very well-equipped to cater to customers' needs on retirement planning for now and in the future.
Organized by the Hong Kong Customer Contact Association, the Mystery Caller Assessment Award aims to assist participating customer service providers who provide the service over the phone or through online platforms to enhance their service level and refine the contact handling best practices.
Remarks: The above awards are for reference only, with the sole purpose of corporate communications. Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.