Important Notes
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BCT (MPF) Pro Choice and BCT (MPF) Industry Choice
- You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices or investing according to the Default Investment Strategy. When, in your selection of funds or the Default Investment Strategy, you are in doubt as to whether a certain fund or the Default Investment Strategy is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objective), you should seek financial and / or professional advice and choose the investment choice(s) most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.
- In the event that you do not make any investment choices, please be reminded that your contributions made and / or accrued benefits transferred into the Plan will be invested in accordance with the Default Investment Strategy, which may not necessarily be suitable for you.
- Your investment decision should not be based on this website alone. Please read the MPF Scheme brochures of BCT (MPF) Pro Choice and BCT (MPF) Industry Choice for further details, including the risk factors.
- BCT (Pro) MPF Conservative Fund and BCT (Industry) MPF Conservative Fund of the relevant schemes do not guarantee the repayment of capital.
- Members should note that BCT (Pro) Asian Income Retirement Fund does not provide any guarantee on capital or investment return or dividend yield, and their investments therein (including dividends distributed) are subject to the same vesting, preservation and withdrawal requirements applicable to mandatory and voluntary contributions (as applicable). The BCT (Pro) Asian Income Retirement Fund may pay dividends out of net distributable income and/or capital, which will result in an immediate decrease or adjustment in the net asset value per unit. The payment of dividends (if any) will involve an investment time-lag and is subject to out-of-market risk. There is no assurance on the dividend distribution frequency and the dividend amount/yield may fluctuate.
- Members should note that the regular and frequent distribution of dividends and reinvestment of dividends will inevitably involve an investment time-lag during which dividends are not reinvested and are subject to out-of-market risk on a recurring basis (currently, on a monthly basis). During the period pending reinvestment, the net asset value per unit of the relevant constituent fund (i.e. BCT (Pro) Asian Income Retirement Fund for members below the age of 65, or the Age 65 Plus Fund for members who have reached the age of 65) into which dividends are reinvested may have gone up or down, and accordingly the members’ investment return may be impacted negatively or positively. Therefore the investment return for these members may deviate from that derived from a constituent fund with a similar investment portfolio without such arrangement, meaning that the dividend distribution arrangement of BCT (Pro) Asian Income Retirement Fund may not always be advantageous to these members.
- Members should note that BCT (Pro) Asian Income Retirement Fund does not provide any guarantee on the capital or investment return or dividend amount / yield. There is no assurance on the dividend distribution frequency and the dividend amount / yield may fluctuate.
- Members should note that investment markets could fluctuate significantly. Fund prices may go down as well as up. There is no guarantee that, given the time required to implement fund switching instructions, such instructions will achieve your desired results. Please carefully consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances (as well as your own retirement plan) before making any investment choices. If in doubt, please contact your independent financial advisor for further details.
BCT Premier Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan
- You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. When, in your selection of funds, you are in doubt as to whether a certain fund is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek financial and / or professional advice and choose the fund(s) most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.
- Your investment decision should not be based on this website alone. Please read the explanatory memorandum of the Plan for further details, including the risk factors.
- BCT ORSO Guaranteed Fund under the Plan invests solely in an insurance policy issued by China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited ("China Life"). China Life is the guarantor of the policy. Your investments in BCT ORSO Guaranteed Fund, if any, are therefore subject to the credit risk of China Life. Please refer to part IV of the Explanatory Memorandum for details of the credit risk, guarantee features and guarantee conditions.
- Members should note that BCT ORSO Asian Income Retirement Fund does not provide any guarantee on capital or investment return or dividend yield. The BCT ORSO Asian Income Retirement Fund may pay dividends out of net distributable income and/or capital, which will result in an immediate decrease or adjustment in the net asset value of the portfolio. The payment of dividends (if any) will involve an investment time-lag and is subject to out-of-market risk. There is no assurance on the dividend distribution frequency and the dividend amount/yield may fluctuate.
- Members should note that the regular and frequent distribution of dividends and reinvestment of dividends will inevitably involve an investment time-lag during which dividends are not reinvested and are subject to out-of-market risk on a recurring basis (currently, on a monthly basis). During the period pending reinvestment, the net asset value per unit of the relevant constituent fund (i.e. BCT ORSO Asian Income Retirement Fund for members below the age of 65, or the Age 65 Plus Fund for members who have reached the age of 65) into which dividends are reinvested may have gone up or down, and accordingly the members’ investment return may be impacted negatively or positively. Therefore the investment return for these members may deviate from that derived from a constituent fund with a similar investment portfolio without such arrangement, meaning that the dividend distribution arrangement of BCT ORSO Asian Income Retirement Fund may not always be advantageous to these members.
- Members should note that BCT ORSO Asian Income Retirement Fund does not provide any guarantee on the capital or investment return or dividend amount / yield. There is no assurance on the dividend distribution frequency and the dividend amount / yield may fluctuate.
Unless otherwise specified, the term “BCT” referred to in this website shall mean BCT Financial Limited (Plan Sponsor) and Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited (Trustee & Administrator)
This website is issued by BCT Financial Limited.