What's New

                                                              Termination of Two Portfolios under “BCT Premier Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan”

                                                              "BCT ORSO U.S. Equity Index Fund" and "BCT ORSO European Equity Index Fund" under the BCT Premier Pooled ORSO Retirement Plan ("the Plan") will be terminated with effect from 11 May 2021.

                                                              If you hold any units in these two portfolios, please take prompt action as described below (details are stated in the relevant notice). In case you do not take relevant action by the deadline, your said units will be sold and invested in "BCT ORSO HK Dollar Cash Fund "of the Plan.


                                                              For Employer

                                                              Please complete and submit the "Employer Change of Investment Instruction for Future Contributions / Fund Switching for Existing Balance Form".


                                                              For Member

                                                              Please log in to the member website of the Plan, go to "Investment Switching", and select "Change Investment Mandate for Future Contributions", and / or "Switch Fund for Existing Balance".


                                                              Key Dates

                                                               Investment Instruction  Key Dates
                                                               Change of Mandate and Switching Out Deadline  4:00p.m. on 5 May 2021
                                                               Termination of 2 Portfolios  11 May 2021





                                                              Please take necessary action now if applicable. To learn more about the termination, please read the "Notice to Participating Employers and Members" or call the ORSO Plan Hotline at 2298 9389.